Transit high on Chamber's legislative watch list
As the Georgia General Assembly moved toward the close of the opening week of the 2018 session, the Metro Atlanta Chamber held it's...

HQ2 for Christmas would be nice!
I haven’t written a “what-I-want-for-Christmas” letter to Santa Claus in years. OK, make that decades. How time flies! But an unusual...

Telling Atlanta's story
Atlanta’s economic development leaders are facing an interesting challenge. That challenge is how to tell Atlanta’s story in a way that...

Nonprofits are just one reason for millennials to ChooseATL
At the final 2017 quarterly meeting of the Metro Atlanta Chamber’s Nonprofit CEO Roundtable, Chamber economist Tom Cunningham gave an...

Work begins on third leg of the Global Cities Initiative
Worldwide Editing has helped the Global Commerce Council of the Metro Atlanta Chamber write the first portion of the third leg of the...

Worldwide Editing helps produce global investment plan
The Metro Atlanta Chamber (MAC) has released a plan that is designed to position the 29-county region as one of the world’s most globally...

We're joining a Foreign Direct Investment initiative
The Global Commerce Council of the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce invited us today to participate in the creation of a metropolitan...