Worldwide Editing
Specializing in business and environmental writing/editing for corporations, nonprofits and academics.
A proven global reach: 150 million people in 100-plus countries on five continents.
Worldwide Editing offers services in three areas: Business, grant and environmental writing. The company is deeply experienced in producing written content in print and digital formats, in working virtually or though personal contact, across diverse cultures, geographic distances and time zones and on tight deadlines. We occasionally work in other mediums, such as broadcast.
Future service areas: The company is seeking to expand into English as a second language for international students and helping military veterans transition to civilian life by improving their writing and communications skills.
Awards: An ongoing project with the Global Commerce Council of the Metro Atlanta Chamber received a Phoenix Award from the Georgia Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. The honor was for a Metro Export Plan the Global Commerce Council produced as part of the Global Cities Intiative, a joint effort of the Brookings Institution and J.P. Morgan Chase to help U.S. metros become more globally competitive.
Our passion and our goal: To be at the crossroads of economic development and environmental sustainability in all three major service tracks.
Business writing
Services include: Writing/reporting for business publications and EDOs, websites,
white papers, blogs, brochures, annual reports, business letters; copyediting, proofreading, fact checking; strategies for content development and media outreach; and coaching and mentoring for writers in corporate communications departments. A goal: to be at the crossroads of business/green tech.
Grant writing
Services include: Grant writing for nonprofits, with a special passion for environmental/sustainability/urban ag nonprofits. This is my newest track, and is being offered after completing a class in grant writing at the Georgia Center for Nonprofits. I am excited about this track because it expands my story telling abilities into a sector in which I have deep experience and an intense interest.
Environmental writing
Services include: Writing/reporting for print publications and online sites, particularly in the areas of the natural environment/sustainbility/urban ag. Special interests: school gardens/curriculum to reduce childhood obesity/diseases; native plants and pollinators in residential landscapes; endangered native plant ecosystems; tropical orchids; and interviewing thought leaders.