UGA extends a life line to freelancers
Freelance and contract journalists looking for training and support services would do well to direct their attention to the University of...

Transit high on Chamber's legislative watch list
As the Georgia General Assembly moved toward the close of the opening week of the 2018 session, the Metro Atlanta Chamber held it's...

Capital of College football perfect for Amazon HQ2
Progressive civic and business leadership that helped Atlanta grow into the country’s ninth largest metro has provided boosters a...

A simple theory for dictating outcomes
I find it interesting that sports often imitates life and business. In one sense, sports is just a game. No matter the level of...

HQ2 for Christmas would be nice!
I haven’t written a “what-I-want-for-Christmas” letter to Santa Claus in years. OK, make that decades. How time flies! But an unusual...

Telling Atlanta's story
Atlanta’s economic development leaders are facing an interesting challenge. That challenge is how to tell Atlanta’s story in a way that...

Nonprofits are just one reason for millennials to ChooseATL
At the final 2017 quarterly meeting of the Metro Atlanta Chamber’s Nonprofit CEO Roundtable, Chamber economist Tom Cunningham gave an...

Looking forward to interviews with two authors
I have two upcoming author interviews that I am really excited about. One is an in-person interview with Carey Gillam, author of the book...

Recharge your batteries! Take a walk in the woods
Some days the best thing you can do at the office is take a walk in the woods. I did that yesterday. It’s a great way to recharge your...

Memories live on in historic Atlanta Constitution building
The staff of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution had only been in their new building a few months when I joined The Journal as a copy editor...