Capital of College football perfect for Amazon HQ2
Progressive civic and business leadership that helped Atlanta grow into the country’s ninth largest metro has provided boosters a...

Telling Atlanta's story
Atlanta’s economic development leaders are facing an interesting challenge. That challenge is how to tell Atlanta’s story in a way that...

Nonprofits are just one reason for millennials to ChooseATL
At the final 2017 quarterly meeting of the Metro Atlanta Chamber’s Nonprofit CEO Roundtable, Chamber economist Tom Cunningham gave an...

Memories live on in historic Atlanta Constitution building
The staff of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution had only been in their new building a few months when I joined The Journal as a copy editor...

Stay in front of the people who matter
Show up, speak up, keep up. This is one of my favorite sayings for how to do business, especially when your personality and your skills...
If you want to be heard, you have to be seen
Scott Jenkins, general manager of the new Atlanta Falcons Stadium, talks about the stadium during a tour on June 11, 2015. The Metro...
Chamber launches Atlanta Metro Export Plan
Metro Atlanta Chamber President and CEO Hala Moddlemog, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed (center) and JP Morgan Chase Georgia Market Chair David...

Metro Atlanta Export Plan launches this week
Worldwide Editing will attend a press conference on Wednesday, June 3 at which the Metro Atlanta Chamber will announce the official...

Small enough to make a difference ... big enough to matter
The keynote speaker at the Sixth Annual Global Impact Awards of the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce offered a few bits of inspirational...

We're joining a Foreign Direct Investment initiative
The Global Commerce Council of the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce invited us today to participate in the creation of a metropolitan...