Worldwide Editing is popular on Mother Nature Network!

The Mother Nature Network audience “Likes” Worldwide Editing! During a period of several hours before noon on June 1 three Worldwide Editing stories were on the site’s top 10 list of most popular stories – at the same time! That’s 30 percent of the site’s top stories. Those three stories – at last count – had generated almost 34,000 Facebook “Likes.” The stories {with Facebook “Likes” in parentheses as of June 1 at 9:30 p.m. ET) are: 12 plants that repel unwanted insects (18.6k) Don’t buy birdseed – grow it (13.4k) 5 questions to ask before your bring chickens home (1.9k) We’re working on more interesting stories for the site. Three of our favorites are a story about dogs (they invented social media, not us!), a second one about what must be some of the coolest plants in the plant world, succulents, and a third about using honeybees to treat Lyme disease. Maybe one – or all! – of these will hit the Top 10 list! Keep following Worldwide Editing and we’ll let you know.