Social media marketing pays off

One of my commitments for 2015 was to become much more aggressive with social media marketing. It looks like it’s paying off in my environmental writing track. Facebook Likes on stories for Mother Nature Network so far in the first quarter have topped 13,000. Four of the nine stories I’ve written have had more than a thousand Likes: How to set up a terrarium: 4.3k Saving nature one backyard at a time: 3.9k Winter’s impact on wildlife: 2.1k How one college is transforming the blueberry industry: 1.4k Three have had more than 500. How grapes changed the world: 872 How to start a hydroponic garden: 589 A history of the Vidalia onion: 519 Narrative writing about the environment, sustainability, and urban agriculture is a big part of the Worldwide Editing business. Going back to last fall, for the last four months of the year here were 20,000 Likes on stories filed to MNN. Atlanta Magazine recently asked us to research and write two gfardening-related stories and National Wildlife, the magazine of the National Wildlife Federation, has just come out with our story on how to change the curb appeal of your home by reducing the amount of lawn and increasing landscape planting by using native plants. Next step: increase social media marketing in the other two business tracks, high-end marketing and ghostwriting.