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Fark picks up story on Vidalia onions


Fark, a news aggregator and an edited social networking news site, has picked up a story I wrote for Mother Nature Network (MNN) that explains the history of the Vidalia onion (

Every day Fark hand picks what it considers funny and weird notable news -- and not-news -- of the day from about 2,000 submissions. I didn't submit the story, so I'm not exactly sure how they settled on this story – though I think it's a good one! My MNN editor said the Fark audience doesn't always play nicely, though they played mostly nice on this story. A big Whew! for that!

Vidalia onions, if you're not familiar with them, are a sweet onion grown in Southeast Georgia. The state owns the trademark on the onions, and you have to be a licensed grower approved by the state and live in the 20-county Vidalia onion region to grow and sell a Vidalia onion.

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